Sunday 19 April 2009

Is it Monday Already???

When you're a child days last forever. Weeks seems to pass by infrequently, and months like Blue Moons.

I'm almost 30 now, and it's not like that any more! So frequently do I think to myself, “Is it Friday already?”, or “Back to work in the morning!”

The truth is, it seems that the longer we exist on this planet, the faster things seem to appear. But does one day for a 15 year old, seem to last twice as long as for a 30 year old?

I'm not sure, and this is one reason why I'm keeping this post short, because if time is moving faster, the older I become, I'm not wasting any more of it!!.

Yes, it is Monday tomorrow, and I am back to work, but it'll be Friday soon and (following a short stint at the Hut) I'll have another weekend to ponder life, and drink beer.

So, peace out, and take care, cos Life's short, and speeding up by the day.

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