It seems that in the last week I have become a website builder! I'm not sure how it happened, but let me give you some back-story!
When I was 17, I'd been learning guitar for about a year, and a friend at school, Danny Bemrose, was also learning to play. We wrote some songs together, and then he went on to play in the junior side (Under 18) for Huddersfield Town (that's Football if you're reading this in the UK, and soccer if you aren't). Nothing much happened, for me (music wise), in the time between then and now!
Twelve years later, well, eleven because I started hearing about this band last summer. They'd got a booking for the Isle of Wight festival, and it was the first year in 3 that I wouldn't be going. The band was called 'Scars on 45', and their lead singer was Danny Bemrose!
This guy who I played junior cricket with, went to school with. Sat next to in Year 7 French was in a band, and playing at the Isle of Wight Festival. That was awesome!!!
Ok, so I hadn't seen him in like 9 nine years. Think the last time was in some club in Wakefield and he was drunk, and I was drunk, and the conversation wasn't exactly coherent.
So anyway all of a sudden, in March 2009, I hear that a band called Scars on 45 have made this song which was going to be played on the soundtrack of an episode of CSI: New York. This unsigned band that has the lead singer that I sat next to in French has managed to get one of their songs featured in an episode of a drama series that I watch every week.
Their mailing list is at scarson45@hotmail.co.uk and so I joined the list. I received some songs and that was cool.
One morning I was randomly searching through some domain names to see if they were available or not. I found one richthemexican.co.uk, which I picked up for £8.00, for 2 years. Having recently been browsing http://myspace.com/scarson45 I wondered whether they had sorted a site out yet. So I checked it, and scarson45.com was available. I dropped the band a line on email, telling them that the domain was available and that they should get it before they hit the big time and someone else gets the idea, and exploits it!
Fast forward to about a week ago. I notice that scarson45.com has been registered, and has a very simple website that mentions a little bit about the band, so I email the band's address (scarson45@hotmail.co.uk), asking if they took my advice, and registered the site that I'd seen. It turned out that the domain had been registered by someone else, who was now looking to sell the domain back to them at an elevated price.
To cut a long story short, since last Wednesday (7th April 2009) it seems that I have become the unofficial tech/web guy for Scars on 45, following numerous emails to Stu. My first actions seem to have been persuading Stuart (bass player) to purchase scarson45.co.uk, and scarson45.net, and then convincing him that I can build websites. Ok, so I bought this software online, and what I have produced so far looks ok, and includs some embedded video and audio media. And I'm doing all this because I once went to school with this guy who is now in an unsigned band, who I want to help make a success. For free!
Anyway, that's about all I have time for. Just thought I'd share with you. Check out the myspace page. I think the music is really good. Listen for yourself!
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