I've just been reading about earth hour. It's basically where you turn all your electric lights off, to prove to the world that you are serious about saving the planet.
I like the idea. And there seems to be a lot of people joining in. The first example being the Sydney Harbour bridge going dark at 20:30 (Australia time).
I am worried though. I saw a documentary on television not so long ago, detailing the precision required to keep a constant power supply to any given area, taking into account when people wake up, go to sleep, turn their kettles on during Coronation street, mowing the lawn etc. And they have to match the output to the demand, otherwise the result, on both extremes could be 'Blackout', if the demand exceeds the supply, or electricity being wasted, for the opposite reason. And if electricity is being wasted, then this means that the planet is being abused, with no benefit to it's inhabitants (us).
In other words, I hope that us turning of our lights doesn't trigger the most inefficient day in the history of electricity production!!!
Problems aside, I have been practising for my big switch off, at 2030 (GMT). I am currently in my spare room, at my computer. The only light on in the house is my desk light. Please see the pictures (above), to show how I will be working during my Earth Hour.
(Please note: I have been unable to switch off my camera's flash, and therefore the red haze which can be seen on the wall, is the light from the flash passing through my finger, which is covering the flash)
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